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AIDS Policy in Uganda: Evidence, Ideology, and the Making of an African Success Story
CHF 89.90

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Key Themes and Concepts Accepting the Unacceptable: Establishing a National Response to AIDS in Uganda Working on a Hunch: A History...

Airships in International Affairs 1890 - 1940
CHF 89.90

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List of illustrations Acknowledgements Introduction: Technology and the Human Psyche Imperial German Precedents, 1890-1918 Zeppelins...

Alaska's Permanent Fund Dividend: Examining Its Suitability as a Model
CHF 111.00

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Introduction Chapter 1: Introduction: Success in Alaska Karl Widerquist and Michael W. Howard Part One: The History, Economics, and...

A Levinasian Ethics for Education's Commonplaces: Between Calling and Inspiration
CHF 64.90

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1. Calling and Inspiration 2. Learning 3. Teaching 4. Curriculum 5. Institutions 6. Conclusion

Alexander Pope's Catholic Vision: Slave to No Sect""
CHF 69.90

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Preface Introduction: Toward Deconfining Pope 1. 'So vast is Art, so narrow Human Wit': Subordinating Part to Whole in An Essay on...

Alfred Weber and the Crisis of Culture, 1890-1933
CHF 101.00

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PART I. Alfred Weber in the German Empire The Context of Alfred Weber's Early Work Early Economic Writings Heidelberg and the Empire,...

Alice Munro's Narrative Art
CHF 64.90

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The Confiding First Person Narrator Changing Perspectives Competing Testimonies The Queer Bright Moment The Love of a Good Woman...

'Ali Shari'ati and the Shaping of Political Islam in Iran
CHF 111.00

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The Languages of Power and Politics in Modern Iran Language of Opposition Politics in Late Pahlavi Iran The World as Tauheed: Envisaging...

Al Jazeera English: Global News in a Changing World
CHF 89.90

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The Origins of Al Jazeera English, S.Powers The Nature of the Channel's Global Audience, H.Amin Content: The Messages of AJE's...

All Above Board: Creating The Ideal Corporate Board
CHF 59.90

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Introduction The Board of the Future Enhancing the Chairman's Value Chairman and CEO - Tandem at the Top The One Team Board Challenge...